Friday, December 2, 2011

December: 2nd Day of Giving

Today we are sending Christmas cards, pictures, and letters to a person in the military.  Yesterday we worked on this project and got our "package" ready.  Today it will be mailed in order to make it there before Christmas.

My cousin Austin just began basic training so we sent him some letters and pictures and my neighbor Jen found a soldier in Afghanistan and she is going to send a care package to him today.

We prayed together for Austin and our unknown Afghanistan soldier.  I had to do a lot of explaining to my 5 year old about what the words military, war, and soldier mean but she seems to be grasping it okay now.

Tomorrow I will be out of town but I will post on Sunday what we do for days 3 and 4.  The best thing so far was when my daughter woke up this morning the first thing she asked me was, "Who are we going to give to today?"  Love it!!!!


  1. Another great idea, Jamie, and I love that your daughter is so excited about giving.
    Many blessings!


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