Tuesday, March 29, 2011

God's Will vs. Free Will

I have been battling with what God's will is and if his will happens here on earth.  In regards to our adoption journey and seeing kids returned to unhealthy and or potentially abusive homes it is hard to believe that these things are God's will.  On Sunday at church our pastor said something that made everything make sense.  He was talking about the Lord's Prayer and how the phrase "thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven" means that God's will does NOT happen all the time.  God tells us to pray for it to happen.  This makes everything make sense because it explains why bad things happen that we don't understand.  When Eve and Adam ate the fruit in the garden they chose free will over God's will.  In heaven it will be God's will.  In heaven we won't have all of these questions because God's will will reign.  But for now we live in a world of free will.  In this world bad things will happen and it will be very very sad.  But we can pray.  Prayer changes free will, prayer brings on God's will.  So every day I will pray and pray some more.  I will hope that our foster son won't fall into free will's hands.  But if he does, I won't be mad at God.  I know it's not His will.  He loves him even more than I do and He will go with him and protect him. 


  1. God gave us a free will. But the more we follow hard after God and seek His heart, the more our desires and will become His desires and will. Great post!

  2. Really good point! We have to pray for God's will to be done. But here on earth, most of the time it is free will that prevails. I want to yield to God's will for my life.

  3. Excellent point, and post. God gave us free will to make our own choices, including the choice to seek Him and pray for His Will to come into our lives.

    Your family continues to be in my prayers.

    Have a Blessed Day!


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