Monday, December 6, 2010


Sorry I was so slack on the blog last week!  With the holidays here, I am finding my days much more busy than usual.  Last week brought some church Christmas parties and some much enjoyed family time.  It seems like in life I am either busy or bored.  There are very rare moments that I am neither.  So then it is important to be intentional with my time.  Finding my cozy place each day to spend time with God becomes imperative to keep my focus on Him.  This past weekend my time with Him was limited to prayers said in my heart as I hurried from one place to the next.  But today I was able to take more time.  I woke up this morning with a heavy heart full of desires, needs, and doubts that I needed to hand over to my Heavenly Father.  So I packed my daughter up into the car and we took a drive down to San Diego.  It's about an hour away and it's a beautiful drive.  I put some soft Christmas music on and found my cozy place right there in my car as I poured out my heart to God.  We have a lot going on right now, a lot of things that are up in the air and could mean change.  Now, especially, I feel like God needs to be at the forefront of my mind.  My desires can so easily get in the way.  I feel so refreshed now, full of faith that God will work out all the details.  The main thing I got from the time is willingness.  I feel like God wants me to be willing.  Willing to go, willing to stay, willing to trust Him, willing to let go of my fears.  Willing. 

Is there something that you can think of that God wants you to be Willing to do?  It doesn't mean it is or isn't going to happen, just a willingness for it to be if it's God's will.  Find your cozy place and pray about this question. 

Psalm 51:12 "Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me."


  1. I feel this way too. I think God is just looking for a willing spirit. We don't have to know all the details. We just need to say yes to whatever God asks.
    Thanks for this post. :)

  2. So true. We need to be willing to do as He leads. As I was reading I was thinking of that song: Where You go I'll go, when You stay I'll stay, who You love I'll love, I will follow. (not sure if I got them in the right order, lol)

    I want to be willing and ready to do as He calls. Thanks for posting.


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